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Workout of The Week!

My 60 Day turnarounders need to get serious about exercising NOW, so I am prepping them for the big workout, and you get to join in.  So the reality is, as with any other WOW that you would find with a simple search of our daily sprout page : Workouts is that they are really never that “BIG” of a workout.  Intense… well of course that is up to you.

So the workout design that I have for you today, is one of increasing intensity.

We are going to work for 3 Minutes, then rest for 3, 3 minutes than rest for 2, 2 Minutes then rest for 1, 1 minute then rest for 1.

Then 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest 4 times in a row.

So here is what we are doing :

For the first 4 intervals (3, 3, 2, 1 – minutes)  – you will perform 5 air squats, 5 burpees (please click the link), 10 lunges (5 per leg), and 10 Sit-ups (scale to crunches as needed).   You will do this around and around and around, as many as possible for the time you are working.

Then, for the last 4 intervals – 15 squats and 5 supermen, same thing, back and forth as fast as possible.  Your legs will be toast if you don’t work out, but then… that is what we are working for!

Here are your links to movements:

Air Squats:     You will see the air squat in the foundational movement row.

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