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The Daily Sprout

Your guide to healthier living.

Your nervous system is the most vital part of your body. It controls everything from your breathing to digestion and even how you feel. If it's not working correctly, then these functions can be impaired. When this happens, chiropractic care may help.

Chiropractors have been known to treat many conditions related to the central nervous system caused, including headaches, back and neck pain, migraines, and more, with great results. This blog will know what nervous system scans are and some benefits of getting one done by a chiropractor.

What are Nervous System Scans?

A neurology exam may seem like an overwhelming task, but it's easy to understand. It just means that you will be getting your spine examined closely. Your chiropractor in Woodstock, GA, will evaluate the health of not only your neck and back but also how all four parts of your spinal cord are functioning as well. Once they have done this evaluation, they can make recommendations for treatment options depending on their findings.

Why Should I Get One?

The benefits of getting evaluated by a professional are great! Since there is no way to know what problems might be affecting our health without being thoroughly examined first, having these exams completed annually or biennially would be best if we're experiencing any pain or discomfort.

How Is It Done?

Dr. Eric Richards, a chiropractor, will take some time getting to know you about personal identifying information and optimal health and asking questions about when your symptoms began. How they affect your life daily and what other health problems might have contributed to them occurring. He will also do an exam - looking for tension points by pressing around with his hands all over your neck, back, arms and legs before doing one last check-up of your spine.

The chiropractor will use their hands for almost all treatments, making sure to wear loose-fitting clothes. They might start with a gentle back massage before moving on to specific adjustments depending on where they suspect there may be an issue. Once they have found what needs adjusting, your treatment can include:

  • stretching exercises

  • manual therapy techniques like joint mobilization

  • injections to reduce inflammation

  • the traction that can help heal damaged discs

  • acupuncture which has been shown as being therapeutic for many different types of issues, including headaches

Chiropractors also offer nutritional counseling because they want to help you find the root causes of your ailment and not just treat your symptoms.

Do Nervous System Scans Hurt?

No! But if any injured areas need adjusting, it might cause some soreness or irritation right after the adjustment has been made - so don't worry about it too much because this should go away quickly.

How Often Should I Get Nervous System Scans?

This depends on how bad your symptoms are and whether or not you're responding well to treatment. A nervous system scan is an excellent way of pinpointing what's causing your pain and discomfort, so it should be done at least once per year to identify any developing issues or changes that might need attention sooner.

What Type of Adjustment Should I Expect?

When getting a spinal or joint adjustment, there is no one size fits all approach. Every person has their own needs and preferences based on their lifestyle and symptoms. A typical adjustment is made by holding your head and using one hand to apply pressure on the back or front of a spinal vertebra before rotating it to restore its natural position. This can be accompanied by other movements - such as ''cracking'' sounds caused when joints are moving quickly from being stuck in a single place for too long!

What Should I do?

The most crucial thing to know is that you're not alone, and your chiropractor can help. The sooner you reach in, the better your possibilities of avoiding serious repercussions down the line, such as chronic pain from misaligned vertebrae or even disabilities caused by spinal nerves damage.

Doing things like carrying heavy items on one shoulder for long periods, wearing high heels too often without taking breaks, or sitting at an awkward angle in front of a computer screen can all lead to nerve interference or nerve pressure and potential problems with your autonomic nervous system controlling muscles. Luckily, you can do plenty: get regular exercise (you don't need hours upon hours either!), make sure that your posture is correct when you sit or stand at your desk, and wear comfortable shoes.

Is it Safe?

Chiropractic services is a very safe procedure, and many people who have never been to the chiropractor before are amazed by how energized they feel after just one session.

How Much Will It Help Me?

No matter what our age or level of fitness, all of us can benefit from spinal adjustments and other therapies such as massage therapy - whether we want to recover quickly from an injury or illness OR make long-term improvements in our health. In these cases, you should see Dr. Richards as soon as possible so he can identify any problems before they turn into something worse. We want these nerves in your body moving so they can continue doing what they do best: keeping the rest of your body running smoothly.

What You Can Expect After Your Initial Evaluation?

A nervous system scans chiropractic assessment will be performed, which may include a thorough examination of your spine. This evaluation will help Dr. Richards determine the source of any pain or discomfort you are experiencing and offer an appropriate treatment plan to get back on track.

Some people might feel instant relief, and others may take up to six weeks (or more) of treatment sessions with their chiropractor until they notice any changes. One thing is obvious, though: if you see new symptoms that didn't exist before, the chances are good that something has shifted out of alignment somewhere along your spine.

We'll also talk about what lifestyle changes might need to happen so that you can start feeling better again. If nothing is found, we'll refer you off for additional testing or send you home with some information on how to take care of yourself in the meantime. An initial consultation usually takes no longer than one hour, but this time could stretch depending on what needs attention and other factors like scheduling availability.

How Long Will it Take?

It depends on how many sessions are needed. Typically, chiropractic service is an ongoing treatment plan rather than something that's only done once. There might be some underlying issues like poor posture or trauma-related conditions that need more attention over time to heal properly. The number of treatments necessary for relief largely varies per person, so it's essential to consult with the doctor about what they recommend before committing to a long-term treatment plan.

What are the Benefits of a Nervous System Scan?

There are many benefits associated with nerve system scans.

➡️A nerve scan provides an inside look at what is going on in your body, which means they can address any other problems that might also need attention before giving you relief from the original issue. They may even advise about how the problem came about, so it does not happen again!

➡️A nerve system scan is not just a one-time solution. It will help you deal with your pain long after the chiropractor has healed you by teaching you how to protect yourself against future injuries and problems that might be coming up.

➡️A nervous system scan will show you the direction to go to get help with your pain and make it easier for them to provide you with a customized treatment that will be most effective on your specific condition.

➡️Less pain

➡️More mobility, which can increase the quality of life from reduced pain!

➡️Better sleep with a reduction in pain or inflammation around the neck

➡️You will have a better understanding of what is causing you to feel the way you do.

A chiropractor may be able to come up with an effective plan for treatment at this point. Still, most importantly, they'll take into account all aspects of your health and lifestyle to create a personalized solution just for you!


Chiropractic service and chiropractic adjustments have been proven to boost your nervous system function and muscles regular nerve function, reduce chronic pain, discomfort, and pinpoint abnormal function, and enable you to live a more active life. With so many benefits available for patients suffering from back or neck pain, it is time that we talked about how chiropractic can not only ease your symptoms but also make them go away completely. If you are eager to understand more about health or improving their condition without taking drugs or surgery-come join us at HealthSprout Chiropractic & Wellness, where we specialize in helping people just like you achieve better health through natural treatments. Call our office today at (770) 517-2240 or send a message request appointment.


Sciatica is a common condition that causes pain in the lower back and leg. It typically occurs when one of the spinal nerve roots is irritated by pressure from a herniated disk or other problem in your spine. Sciatica can also be caused by narrowing the spinal canal, infections, tumors, fractures, piriformis syndrome, etc. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help get rid of sciatica symptoms.

What is Sciatica, And What Causes It?

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain and discomfort in the lower back and leg. Sciatica is usually caused by a herniated disk that puts pressure on one of your spinal nerve roots or other problems in your spine.

There are many things you can do to relieve sciatica symptoms. First, however, it's essential to know what causes this condition and how to diagnose it.

There are many different types of sciatica, including discoid and piriformis syndrome; nerve compression where the pinched nerves cause pain in your buttocks and down one or both legs, which feels better when you lie on it.

Sciatica often occurs after an injury or accident, such as falling with outstretched arms, bending over too far for prolonged periods, or lifting heavy objects incorrectly, but this is not always the case. Long-term conditions like diabetes can also lead to severe sciatica symptoms caused by damaged blood vessels that restrict oxygen flow and circulation throughout the body.

What Causes The Pain Of Sciatic Nerve Compression?

Some people who have low back problems, herniated discs, or a twisted sciatic nerve may develop the pain of sciatic nerve compression. No one knows for sure what causes this condition, but many have suggested that it could be caused by:

  • An injury such as a fall with outstretched arms

  • Prolonged bending over too far for prolonged periods

  • Lifting heavy objects incorrectly.

  • Long-term conditions like diabetes are causing severe sciatica symptoms and restricted oxygen flow and circulation throughout the body.

You can avoid these issues if you maintain good posture practices when lifting things off the ground and during other daily activities. One way to do this is to hold small weights in your hands while doing yard work, using them as an extra support system.

How To Identify The Symptoms of Sciatica?

Knowing the common symptoms of sciatica is the first step in understanding what it is and how to treat it. If you are feeling some of the following signs and symptoms, it's ideal for visiting your health care specialist as soon as possible:

  • Pain that starts from the lower back moves down into the buttocks, thighs, or feet

  • Sharp pain when sitting for long periods

  • Grinding feeling like a knife hitting a bone while walking on your toes

You can also identify sciatica by observing these symptoms:

  • A tingling sensation in the leg; may extend into other areas such as the groin area or inner thigh.

  • Weakness in one single limb due to pressure placed onto nerve roots emanating from the lumbar spine

  • Numbness or loss of strength with little use of limbs near where you are experiencing discomfort (this condition is called paresthesia).

You can alleviate this condition by practicing healthy self-care habits such as exercise, stretching, and proper posture. The best thing to do is consult your GP or an orthopedist (if the pain persists). This will help in determining what level of treatment would be necessary:

  • Non-surgical treatments can include chiropractic adjustments, injections for inflammation reduction, local anesthesia blocks, and dry needling techniques.

  • Surgery may also be required if any herniations cause compression on a nerve root from the lumbar spine; surgery includes decompression with a microdiscectomy procedure.

  • You'll have needles inserted into two areas called "tentorium" These needles are used to release pressure caused by the pressing bone fragment.

  • Acupuncture can also be used to treat sciatica as it helps reduce inflammation and pain.

Proven Effective Treatments For Sciatica

Remember your body is a weapon and not an object to be used at any given opportunity, so protect it by being mindful of what you're doing from the ground up. If sciatica symptoms persist for more than two weeks without relief, talk with your doctor about how they can help. Sciatic nerve compression may require medical treatment to avoid long-term complications like chronic pain or even paralysis.

The following are some ways in which one might treat this condition:

Medication: Sometimes these work, but usually only temporary solutions such as acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and muscle relaxers; there's no actual cure for sciatica besides surgery

Physical therapy: It helps to restore mobility and strengthen muscles of the lower back, hips, and buttocks

Massage helps with muscle spasms and relieves tension in the tight fascia (tissue surrounding organs), which can compress nerves. It's also a good idea to have a doctor recommend specific massage techniques for sciatica.

Pregabalin: This is an antiepileptic drug used to treat nerve pain in conditions like sciatica; it reduces neuron activity by blocking sodium channels

Injections or epidural blocks: They are usually only given when one has failed physical therapy and medication options after two weeks without relief because they're more invasive methods; the injection goes into around where the spinal cord meets at the base of your neck, and the epidural block numbs the lower part of your body

Surgery: Rarely an option for sciatica, as it's reserved for only severe cases. It can help relieve pressure on a nerve or spinal cord that's causing pain by correcting unstable vertebrae in your back. If surgery is done to decompress nerves while not stabilizing vertebrae, then a patient would still be at risk of more damage down the road.

Chiropractic care: Chiropractors will manipulate the spine to help with pain and discomfort, but that's a less invasive option than surgery. For people who suffer from sciatica, this treatment can help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. A well-versed chiropractor like Dr. Eric Richards of HealthSprout Chiropractic and Wellness in Woodstock, GA, can make a difference in managing pain.

Knowing what causes and which treatment for sciatica is essential for the pain to be managed. This is because there are different degrees of sciatica, and some treatments will work on one type better than others. Others treat sciatica at home, which can be done with a heating pad, ice pack, or electric pillow.

The exercises for sciatica are great for those who want to get back into shape without the pain associated with it. These could include stretching and strengthening muscles in the back region such as hamstrings, hips, and glutes, which has been shown to improve symptoms of this condition.

It's important to know what type of exercises work best on your body, so you don't spend time doing something ineffective while aggravating other parts of your body instead.

Dos and Don'ts When You Have Sciatica

For people who have sciatica, there are known activities that can help and some that need to be avoided to worsen your condition.

- Avoid sitting or lying on your back for an extended period. If you need to be seated, use a firm chair and place the feet higher than the hips to point towards the ceiling. This will help relieve some pressure off your sciatic nerve by providing support at hip joints and reducing tension around the lumbar spine.

Sciatica is not just about pain; there can be an issue with movement too! Therefore, it's essential to keep active and have exercises done which can help strengthen muscles, such as pelvic floor muscle training (PFM) - this can also form one part of brain injury rehabilitation post-accident if needed. You should also avoid any activities where it could result in jerking movements of the torso, such as lifting heavy objects.

One good way to help reduce sciatica is by using a heating pad for those experiencing pain while sleeping (or sitting). There's also some evidence that acupuncture may help relieve chronic low back pain and leg pain associated with sciatic nerve irritation.

In addition, if your symptoms persist despite conservative treatment or you have an accident that triggers it. Seeking medical advice from a qualified health professional should be considered - this can include physiotherapy or chiropractic care, depending on what other treatments they offer. For instance, you may want to visit this website:, to help you figure out which treatment is suitable for your condition and the benefits associated with the treatment.

  • Avoid long periods lying down on your stomach because gravity will cause an increased weight load onto the spine. To avoid putting pressure on the nerve, it is suggested to lie on your side.

  • Resting the area in ice will help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Apply an ice pack for 15 minutes at a time every two hours or as needed.

  • Educate yourself about how sciatica can be triggered by activities such as bending down from the waist too far while carrying heavy items so that you know what to avoid doing in order not to aggravate the condition (e.g., no more than one gallon of milk).

The discogenic type of sciatica should also be avoided because it may increase pressure on nearby nerves, which improves symptoms like tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness around your spine; therefore, avoid twisting at the waist with repetitive motions.

  • Suppose you are experiencing weakness in your legs. In that case, some physical therapy is recommended because it can help to restore strength and stability by building muscles that may have been injured or weakened due to the sciatica condition. It also helps with the posture that might be affected by spending long periods sitting down while having back pain caused by sciatica.

This type of exercise will also improve flexibility and range of motion and provide relief for symptoms like tingling or numbness so they do not worsen over time.

  • Massage techniques such as trigger point release massage are a powerful tool when addressing chronic muscle tension found in those who suffer from sciatica; however, this should only be done at the recommendation of a qualified healthcare professional.

  • Exercise is also recommended for those who have sciatica, but this should be done only after consulting with their physician or physical therapist because specific exercises may exacerbate the pain in some cases and make it worse than before.

  • Some people believe that chiropractic care can be helpful to relieve sciatica symptoms even more quickly by restoring alignment of the spine.

There are other treatments available if exercise is too strenuous or when you want an alternative option. For example, surgery has been shown to relieve back pain caused by sciatica by decompressing nerves and releasing pressure on spinal discs using minimally invasive techniques.

Exercises To Help With Sciatica Pain and Discomfort

Hip stretches can help stretch the piriformis muscle, which is one of the muscles causing sciatica pain. To perform a hip stretch:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly bend forward at your hips until you feel a gentle pull on the back of your leg.

  2. Hold this position for about 30 seconds before returning to an upright standing position.

  3. Repeat several times if needed.

Stretching techniques are beneficial because they relax tense muscles to reduce discomfort and increase flexibility, so you're able to move around better without feeling restricted or having sudden bursts of sharp pain throughout your body due to tightness from inflammation or injury.

Lying flat on your back with knees bent, gently lift one leg at a time. Hold the position for about 30 seconds, then gently lower it and repeat with the other leg.

Wear supportive shoes: Choose footwear that does not have an overly flexible sole or no insole support, such as sandals or slippers without arch supports. But if you need to wear these types of shoes due to discomfort caused by wearing stiff-soled shoes, make sure your feet are adequately supported when walking; this way will reduce strain on your back and avoid pain from sciatica symptoms worsening over time.

Suppose you're experiencing numbness in one side of your body, which is attributed to sciatic nerve irritation stemming from a spinal disc herniation or spondylolisthesis (slippage of a vertebra):

First, place your foot over the opposite thigh, then remember that leg's foot on top of your other knee or ankle, so it is pointing toward the ceiling and not resting against anything. In that case, you may want to try sitting in the half-lotus position. Hold this position for about 20 seconds before switching legs.

Yoga: Practicing yoga is helpful as well because it offers support from both gravity and alignment while simultaneously strengthening core muscles around the spine

Final Words

Sciatica awareness can help you identify the cause of your pain and what may be causing it. Find out that sciatica is not due to anything serious. Chiropractic care can help eliminate the pressure on those nerves by correcting spinal misalignments or nerve entrapment problems for them to function perfectly again.

It's not always easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn't have to be impossible. You can find natural ways of maximizing your health without relying on prescription medication or invasive treatments like surgery. Conditions chiropractors can treat include neck pain, headaches, lower back pain, migraines, pregnancy-related issues, and infections.

Chiropractor Woodstock, GA, can be a great alternative to doctors because they use gentle manipulations and adjustments, shortening the recovery time significantly. Neck pain is caused by muscle tightness or tension in your neck that causes stress on your spine. A chiropractor will assist you with making small changes that are, over time, very effective methods of relieving symptoms like headaches, chronic shoulder pain, and backaches.

The high levels of stress we feel today also go hand-in-hand with headaches; therefore, it's no surprise why so many people suffer from this condition. Chiropractic care has been known for years to relieve pressure off these problem areas and the head and shoulders while promoting increased circulation to stimulate nerve endings around these areas. Chiropractors can also provide relief for those who suffer from lower back pain and sciatica.

A spinal adjustment will help relieve pressure off the nerves in your lower back, increasing blood flow which helps to reduce inflammation. Chiropractic care is often sought after by pregnant women because it can help reduce the discomfort from pregnancy-related conditions such as sciatica, lower back pain, and carpal tunnel. Another condition chiropractors often treat is a chronic ear infection.

Chiropractic care will help decrease pressure on your Eustachian tube, which reduces fluid build-up in this area that may lead to an ear infection. Chiropractic care also helps with migraines and headaches by realigning the vertebrae in your neck, which relieves tension that is often a cause of these health issues.

What is a chiropractor, and how do they help people with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more?

Chiropractors are health care providers who specialize in spinal manipulation and other treatments. They can help people with back pain, neck pain, headaches, and more. A chiropractor will diagnose the cause of your symptoms through a thorough examination that includes looking at past injury history, muscle tightness or weakness, range of motion issues, and/or structural abnormalities to determine whether adjustments should be made for you.

The adjustment is often performed by hand but can also involve tools such as an activator appliance that uses small controlled thrusts to adjust joints whose ranges of movement have been reduced due to age-related changes. Or from repeated trauma like sitting at a desk hunched over all day long without breaks. Your practitioner may then teach exercises specific to your needs as well.

Chiropractic care aims to help you adjust your life so that pain or other symptoms are minimized and life improves. Depending on the severity and cause, treatments may include

Spinal adjustments, Soft tissue therapy (massage), Joint mobilization with manipulation, Acupuncture, Dry needling for muscle tightness or spasm, Electrical stimulation such as transcutaneous nerve stimulator (TENS).

Units that can be used in conjunction with physical therapy modalities like ultrasound treatment from a handheld device are called an e-stim team. When it comes to neck pain caused by sitting too long at a desk without taking breaks throughout the day due to work deadlines looming over one's head, there are ways to break the cycle of pain.

Frequent breaks, periodic stretches to maintain movement in all parts of the body, and a healthy diet are practices that can help minimize the neck tension from sitting too long at a desk without taking regular breaks throughout the day. It is essential to remember our physical well-being and mental health when thinking about how to better take care of ourselves physically with good habits like those mentioned previously.

Another way chiropractors work on an individual's condition is through manual manipulation such as spinal adjustments, joint mobilization with manipulation, or soft tissue therapy (massage), which may benefit different situations depending on what type of treatment one might currently need.

The benefits of chiropractic care - the treatment can relieve symptoms for many conditions.

People who have neck pain, headaches, lower back pain, migraines, pregnancy, ear infections, and other health issues. There is a wide range of areas that Chiropractor Woodstock, GA can help with as it is often an effective alternative to medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Which may have unpleasant side effects, including stomach irritation, ulcers, and bleeding problems; muscle relaxants typically produce drowsiness or slurred speech; antidepressants that might cause serious complications when combined with alcohol and other medications.

Chiropractors use natural treatments, so they will not need prescription medication to help you get back on your feet. There's no need to suffer in silence; chiropractic is a natural way.

How to find a good chiropractor near you

Do your research to find a chiropractor in your area knowledgeable about treating the conditions you need to be addressed. Ask your friends and family for referrals or recommendations; if they've had good experiences with their own insurance provider's chiropractors, then they'll know of some available options near them.

If not, consider reaching out to someone who has given treatment before from another field, such as an orthopedic surgeon or physical therapist; these people may have connections with local providers since they often work together on cases. If you're unable to find anyone through personal references, try looking up reviews online by searching "chiropractor" in the Google Maps search bar and sorting by most recent reviews first so that you can see reviews from the most recent patients.

To find a provider, you should also consider checking for their specialty and if they are in your network to ensure that it's affordable. The way chiropractors practice is based on an individual needs instead of one standard treatment method means that each person will have different plans regarding frequency, intensity, or time invested in therapy sessions.

This approach ensures personalized care explicitly tailored to what works best for them to achieve maximum relief and improved health without wasting any time or money. The majority of people who receive treatments at least once per month tend not only to experience acute pain reduction but also long-term benefits such as decreased occurrence rates or severity for future episodes of acute pain.

Eric Richards is a chiropractor in 8256 Main Street Woodstock, GA 30188 who has been practicing for over 18 years and specializes in treating neck and back pain and other conditions chiropractors can treat such as migraines and pregnancy-related injuries or infections. His goal is not just to give relief but help people live the best life possible, which means being proactive when it comes to preventative measures like treatment sessions rather than waiting until something goes wrong before seeking care.

In cases where surgery would be the best course of treatment, he will refer a patient to the appropriate specialist. He also has an extensive knowledge base on nutrition and can offer advice for people looking to make dietary changes that might help them achieve their health goals.

Chiropractors can treat an array of health issues ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to scoliosis.

Dr. Richards also offers nutritional advice for those looking to make dietary changes that might help them achieve their health goals. Among the conditions, chiropractors can treat neck pain, headaches, lower back pain, migraines, pregnancy, ear infections, and other health issues like carpal tunnel syndrome, and scoliosis.

Dr. Eric Richards is a well-respected member of the chiropractic community with interests in education, research, and clinical care. He constantly seeks ways to teach others about natural approaches to health maintenance as he strongly believes in prevention being better than cure!

He is a strong advocate of the chiropractic philosophy that healthcare starts with the body rather than treating symptoms and is committed to helping you live your best life possible through natural health care solutions.

List of common treatments that a chiropractor may provide such as spinal adjustments or massage therapy

The list of treatments that a chiropractor may provide includes but is not limited to: spinal adjustments, massage therapy, rehabilitation exercises, and nutritional counseling. A chiropractor will typically recommend the most appropriate treatment for your condition, which usually starts with an evaluation such as X-rays or MRI scans if necessary, followed by diagnosis and, finally, your recommended course of care.

Other common treatments are joint manipulation (adjustments), manual physical therapy, soft tissue work like muscle release techniques, and even acupuncture. It's important to note that many patients can start feeling relief after one adjustment! Dr. Eric specializes in treating people who have neck pain, headaches, lower back pain, migraines, pregnancy, ear infections, and other health issues.

FAQs about visiting a chiropractor - what will happen during your first visit, how often should you go to get the most out of your visits

Dr. Eric Richards will discuss with the patient their health goals and assess for any pain or symptoms. He then customizes a plan of care based on your needs. This may include adjustments, exercises, soft tissue massage therapy, nutritional advice, and other therapies.

He will also discuss your understanding of the chiropractic treatment, what to expect during a visit, how often you should come in (based on individual needs), as well as any pre/post care recommendations. The frequency with which someone comes for adjustments depends mainly upon their response to therapy, disease progression, and pain levels - many patients find they require more frequent visits early in their care.

A typical adjustment lasts depending on the condition being treated. You will be able to leave shortly after your treatment is completed! The length of an adjustment typically varies based upon how many adjustments have been received by the patient and pain levels and severity of symptoms.

Some patients may need less time due to their response. In comparison, others may require more time to properly educate them about what has happened during their treatments to stay active throughout life without undue stress or inflammation that could lead to a flare-up from too much strain. Patients with chronic conditions like scoliosis might also take longer because more moving parts are involved in these cases.


Many treatments are available, including chiropractic spinal adjustments, massage therapy, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling to help patients heal their bodies from the inside out! The goal of treatment at Healthsprout is always restoration through natural therapies: restoring function, reducing pain and inflammation, and enhancing life quality.

Contact Dr. Eric Richards if you would like to learn more about how he could help take care of any condition. Please give him a call/text today: 770-517-2240/770 637-4266, email or stop by the clinic located at 8256 Main Street Woodstock, GA 30188.


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