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Kerrygold under fire!

If you have been around long enough to know that I teach the 60 Day Turnaround (and developed it), and I also have touted the Kerrygold brand for years… so much so that you can see me here in this video eating a SLAB of Kerrygold as I discuss the importance of eating fat, and shaking off the lies of culture that fat is bad for you.  Fat does NOT make you fat!

Check out the video at –

So now we are witnessing the second time that Kerrygold has come under fire for their process of raising cows, and it appears as though the current fire might be real.  Now a lawsuit has been filed against Kerrygold stating that they have misled consumers by advertising cheese made from the milk of pasture-raised cows.

To read the entire article on – visit this Kerrygold Article link.  The gist is this, Kerrygold on their website states that their cows eat 85% grass.  However, I find it hard to find this information on their website… I did find this page where bullet point number 2 suggests that their cows “Graze outdoors on fresh grass for most of the year”.  However, the consumers who are suing, say that it is misleading that the cheese says “Milk from Grass-Fed Cows”.

However if you have watched my videos, come to my classes, or read my Daily Sprouts on the topic, you would see that what the lawsuit is trying to hold Kerrygold accountable for, is not a requirement for production under the grass-fed label.  What I mean is, if these consumers are trying to say that it is wrong to use the grass-fed label, when not 100% grass-fed, I would say, yes… yes I agree.  However, there is no law that says that it must.   This excerpt from the Mercola article sets it up…

Unfortunately, Kerrygold isn’t the only brand getting away with a grass-fed label when their products aren’t truly from grass-fed cows. In 2016, the Agricultural Marketing Service, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, announced that it was dropping its official definition of grass-fed, claiming they did not have the authority to determine whether or not specific grass-fed claims made by different companies are actually truthful.

You see, because the term is NOT a regulated term, there is no requirement for any producer to feed their cows grass, even if they say grass-fed.  Now, that does not limit a farmer from blatantly lying, but they could defend that one blade of grass is enough to call a cow a grass-fed cow.  And it is for this reason that I buy all my grass-fed beef from one farm, and I don’t ever trust that grass-fed means wholly grass-fed, even if the label says 100%… I really seriously doubt it.

If you want to do better than Kerrygold for a clean product, I would recommend Organic Valley Butter from Grass Fed Cows.

Be well and Be blessed – Dr. E

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